Wright National High School also known as Wright Community High School Wright National High School formerly called Wright Community High School was established in 1968, situated at the vicinity of Paranas Municipal building at Zone 4 with eight municipal paid teachers and managed by now Dr. Thelma Cabadsan-Quitalig, the Schools Division Superintendent. When Dr. Quitalig was promoted for a heavier responsibility in the Division Office as Education Supervisor, many school administrators were assigned at Wright National High School but were likewise promoted to other schools in the division. It was during the leadership of Mrs. Vilma G. Inciso(now a retired principal of Valeriano C. Yancha Memorial Agricultural School) in the year 1991, the start of the school location transfer from Zone 4 to Zone 2 along the coastal area of Paranas, facing the Maqueda Bay started. And in the year 1997 when Dr. Alejandrito L. Yman took place of Mrs. Inciso, all classes were recited at ...